On a grand tour of Germany with the “HEWI Roadshow”

Mobile events for architects 

Taking the philosophy of universal design on the road: HEWI makes it possible. The focus is on innovations from the sanitary and architectural hardware sectors. As is usual for HEWI, outstanding design is closely linked with innovative functions. The "Design Comfort Care" concept thus becomes a unique live experience. The HEWI Roadshow Container will be on the road throughout Germany. 

Photo: HEWI

Customers can now get to know HEWI products live and up close on site in a mobile showroom. The converted container makes it possible to experience the barrier-free solutions haptically and visually. The visits are intended to be short and flexible in terms of time. HEWI would like to present holistic architectural solutions as a mobile event at selected locations. 

The HEWI Roadshow will be on the road throughout Germany from summer 2022. Not only will there be new products from the sanitary and architectural hardware sectors, but also an appealing supporting programme. The showroom is intended for architects as well as for interested planners. The HEWI sales and training team are also on board. They are always ready to answer any questions you may have and are already looking forward to talking to you in person. 

Innovations from the hotel, public, care, education and home sectors

The container covers innovations from a wide range of sectors – from public to care. In addition to new and well-known HEWI products, visitors can also look forward to information material and films that put the spotlight on universal design. HEWI has been committed to this topic for more than 35 years. 

Unique fittings in the HEWI showroom

The lightweight container has a total of 15 square metres and a sustainable energy concept. It is equipped with four battery storage units of 2.5 kW each. This means it can store energy for up to three days and be self-sufficient. The batteries recharge themselves by means of solar panels on the roof. An external power source replaces this in bad weather. The showroom itself has a sophisticated LED lighting system that consumes little energy. Of course, the container is barrier-free and can be easily accessed via a ramp.

Photo: HEWI


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